24 Y/O UE Graduate, focusing on 2D and 3D art, level design, and environmental storytelling
24 y/o artist, child at heart.
Taking my kids to school
Not enough. GREAT design for me, is when the world intertwines at every turn with the story. Where every little detail gives off a hint of plot or lore and the experience is tailored to keep the player in awe.
First year programming, but nothing can compare with having to deal with student services.
My own thirst to make. Designing things- from their pencil and paper inception all the way to seeing them come alive is like a drug for me. I need a constant fix.
Chaotically. Very rarely will I take the steps of planning things out. I simply run before I can walk, and make it up as I go. Its fun never knowing how things will turn up in the end.
Dont. Game design , I have learned isnt something a university can give or teach you. They can give you access to software and maybe some contacts- but thats about it. With free stuff like Unreal and youtube tutorials, you can learn and do much more than you could by accumulating debt.
I have become far more grounded. In the beginning I was much more naive, and far more blindly enthusiastic. Ive developed a sense of caution to everything game related- including institutions and of course people.
I needed a sense of direction. I needed a solid place where to plant my feet, and university seemed like the right choice. I do not know if the same is true anymore- but ultimately I did the decision that made the most sense at the time, with the information available.
The lack of profesionalism of some staff members, as well as delayed response and lack of contact/ clarity from the university's side.
With my friends and family.