Von Feien und Kobolden - Die Geister der Wälder Deutschlands

Laura Meckelburg

Im illustrierten Buch VON FEIEN UND KOBOLDEN visualisiert und beschreibt Laura Meckelburg eine Auswahl an Waldgeistern aus der deutschen Mythologie. Das Werk bietet einen Einblick in die Erzählungen und Geschichten des Unerklärlichen und Zauberhaften aus dem Mittelalter und deren Repräsentation bis in die Gegenwart. 
Inspiration findet Meckelburg in den Aufzeichnungen Jacob Grimms aus dem Jahre 1835 und den Druckwerken der frühen Industrialisierung.

Laura Meckelburg

Seit sie einen Stift in ihren Händen halten kann, übt sich die junge Illustratorin an der Kunst des Zeichnens. Ihre Leidenschaft für die Entwicklung von Charakteren und fantastischen Welten kombiniert sie mit ihrer Liebe für Natur, Märchenwelten, Magie und Hexerei.
Zu ihren Spezialgebieten gehört neben Charakterdesign und World Building, Lineart und Colouring in der digitalen Illustration.

Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

I don't know and I want to keep it that way, I will find my way.

What is a good design for you?

Something that makes me think about it even after looking at it.

What was the most challenging experience during your studies?

Finding a balance between needing to draw and wanting to draw.

Who or what inspires you?

Nature, folklore, other people's stories and experiences, well thought out stories in movies, video games and books.

How do you approach a new project?

I keep building the project in my head until it desperately wants to be put into the world.

What advice would you give to students who just started studying in your programme?

Keep at it as long as you feel that spark when u start a new project. It might be hard sometimes but it's worth it. You will learn so much about yourself and your style.

Have you changed during your studies? How?

Maybe, I guess I got much more confident in the art I make.

Why did you choose to study in your programme?

Because I always loved to create and spend hours figuring out stories for people just waiting to be drawn. I wanted that to be my future.

What are you not going to miss in your studies?

The deadlines.

How are you going to celebrate your graduation?

Not gonna lie, I will probably get drunk with my best friend.

Say hi!

Dilara Yildirim