Procedural Generated Architecture in Videogames

Carla Rother

Carla Rother gestaltet einen Walking Simulator, welcher die Geschichte einer Person erzählt, die nach dem Tod ihrer Großtante in ihr Dorf zurück kehrt. Durch den Besuch unterschiedlicher Orte im Dorf erfährt die Hauptperson mehr über die verstorbene Großtante und erinnert sich an alte Zeiten zurück. Neben der linear erzählten Hauptgeschichte ist den Spieler:innen freigestellt, ob und in welcher Reihenfolge weitere Storyelemente durch eingesammelte Gegenstände freigeschaltet werden.

Carla Rother

Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

Bankrupt, because I opened my own game studio.

What is a good design for you?

Emergent gameplay.

What was the most challenging experience during your studies?

Definitely the theory courses.

Who or what inspires you?

Emergent game environments.

How do you approach a new project?

With structure and preparation, which I've improved since first semester.

What advice would you give to students who just started studying in your programme?

Chill. It seems long but then it's short.

Have you changed during your studies? How?

Yes, but more because of life than because of uni.

Why did you choose to study in your programme?

I had to choose between game design and architecture. Maybe I'll still do architecture as well.

What are you not going to miss in your studies?

Video lectures.

How are you going to celebrate your graduation?

Wanted to go to Portugal for three weeks... but Covid/Omikron :,(

Say hi!

1 comments in total

daddy 2022-01-28 17:55:37

hi! Carla Fein gemacht

Arefeh Ghadirinasab