Self-Heuristic Process

Arefeh Ghadirinasab

In her series SELF-HEURISTIC PROCESS, Arefeh Ghadirinasab is questioning the rights of men compared to those of women. Coming from a society and culture full of limitation with the lack of freedom vivid in every single moment of her life, Ghadirinasab asked herself why she was hiding her identity behind the veil, and started from herself to see how it would feel having this freedom.
With Marina Abramovic, who used her body in diverse performance, as one of her inspirations, Ghadirinasab chose the female body as a medium or as a way of representation and as a metaphor for depicting the whole pureness to transfer her message.

Arefeh Ghadirinasab

Arefeh Ghadirinasab is an Iranian Graphic Designer and Photographer who studies Photography in Berlin, Germany. After finishing her B.F.A and M.A in Visual Communication in Iran, wishing to  further broaden her knowledge and experience, she has decided to study Photography. Taking photo of landscapes, diverse architectures and people are her favorite genres and some of her photos have been published in her newly book, called ‘‘Babav’’. Her unique ability to create and collaborate iconic images is vivid. In her most recent photography project, she has focused on old generation, their interest, needs, hopes, wishes and suchlike. Additionally, she is so interested in contextual projects, as well as being enthusiastic to help others. Her interest in Photography inspired her to look for a career while she was a student, also she did some voluntary jobs which was a way to enrich experiences. She believes in Multi-dimensional life and always wanted to do different things at best level at the same time and not restrict her mind just on one thing. Characteristically she is a hardworking person, studious, responsible and also fully committed when she undertakes a project and never gives up. 
She has an overwhelming desire to study and make progress. Arefeh’s goal is to express her self by her Photos, making friends with different people and explore the world and waking up to new horizons

What was the most challenging experience during your studies?

The most difficult one was doing my final project as it was something new that I have never done before!

Who or what inspires you?

I had many inspirations like the first one was the photographer Viviane Sassen, then also others like Francesca Woodman, Cindy Sherman, Mona Hatoum, Marina Abramovic and etc

What advice would you give to students who just started studying in your programme?

Research more, be more curious in learning and expanding your knowledge, join more exhibitions and find out your inspirations

Have you changed during your studies? How?

Yes sure, studying photography at UE made me to find out my way, made me to not have fear in representing, in doing project and

Why did you choose to study in your programme?

Cause for B.F.A and my previous M.A I studied Graphic Design and I realized that I need this field of study in order to promote and be more successful

Say hi!

Maria Kassab