SCRU-E is a game featuring Procedural Animation. The player controls a small maintenance robot that explores a mine and can roll, jump and interact with objects by screwing them.
My name is Tobias Heukäufer and I am a game developer specializing in game programming and coding as well as 3D Modeling and Sculpting.
I will be a code lead in the games industry developing on and contributing to ground breaking games and technologies.
Something that is fun to develop, play and appropriate for a given scope.
Managing personal life/struggles and my studies as well as working together with uncooperative teammates.
My cats.
Befriend people in general but especially a programmer to always ensure to have one in your projects.
I am figuratively speaking a completely different person compared to the start of my studies. While it would take too long to elaborate on this further, becoming more mature and experienced is adequate to say I suppose.
I wanted to explore and study programming more deeply. The choice was between computer science and game programming/game design. I flipped a coin and it was heads for game design.
The undefined work times and uncertainty. This might not change now, but still.
I have an interview planned for a full time position as a coder, which I consider a success regarding my studies. Afterwards, I'll get hammered of course and eat good foodies.