MILKY RAINBOW is an erotic, visual novel-style game created by Robin Vanessa Struss that includes Tamagotchi and dating-inspired mechanics.
I mainly focus on digital 2D but also have a great interest in general game design, character design, concept design & art and UI
Working on projects that I love
Something that is mechanically and visually enjoyable
Coding without visual help via plugins
Art that features bright and vibrant colours and exudes happiness
As an artist I usually start with a visual concept and try to find a form of game play or storytelling to fit that concept
If you are an artist, make friends with a coder. If you are a coder, make friends with an artist. People will love your games if they work well and look good!
Unfortunately, due to spending most of my semesters at home, social interactions with my classmates were limited which helped me become a more self-sufficient worker
Games, animation and illustrations are my three big interests when it comes to future job applications and in this programme I was able to combine all of them in various projects.
Coding and writing essays
By staying safe at home and drinking some of my favourite ice tea