Xinyi Tans Projekt EIN DIALOG ZWISCHEN ROHSTOFFEN UND LEBENSMITTELN stellt Fragen, die unser Verhältnis zu Lebensmitteln betreffen. Haben wir es vor dem Hintergrund der alltäglichen Verfügbarkeit von Lebensmitteln verlernt, uns nach den mit ihnen verbundenen Problemen zu fragen? Ist es uns egal, woher unsere verarbeiteten Lebensmittel kommen? Wie groß ist der Verlust von Nährstoffen im Verarbeitungsprozess? Xinyi Tan beginnt einen Dialog über Rohstoffe und die aus ihnen entstehenden Produkte und will mit ihrem Projekt zum Nachdenken anregen.
I am a young graphic designer from China and currently based in Berlin. In addition to design, I particularly enjoy photography, watching films, attending exhibitions, baking and making connections between my interests to develop multifaceted projects together.
A studio in a seaside town with a view of the mountains across the sea through floor-to-ceiling windows.
Simple, clear, intuitive, striking and impressive while being functional and expressive.
The lack of inspiration under time pressure makes it impossible to achieve well thought out designs.
Thinking with eyes closed before going to sleep.
Start by thinking boldly, brainstorming all the possibilities and then sifting through them all.
Be bold and do all the weird ideas that come to mind!
I have embraced a more diverse learning mindset and know how to do more planning and reflecting.
Pure love and the certainty of being able to stay in the sector for the rest of my life.
Ideas that pop into my mind.
Get a good night's sleep then wake up to take a good look at the world.