Bayan Box

Stephanie Ibanez

Stephanie Ibanez embraces the Filipino heritage and identity in her creation of BAYAN BOX, a subscription box that offers fun and tangible culture sourced directly from the Philippines. The project builds on the fact that the Filipino diaspora constitutes one of the largest Asian immigrant populations in the United States, yet they are often considered a forgotten minority in terms of misclassification and lack of cultural representation.
The box concept is inspired by the tradition of sending care packages home, called ‘balikbayan’, and explores the different regions and cultures within the Philippines. Typography, imagery, and subscription content are created by Filipinos, fostering the celebration of their own heritage.

Stephanie Ibanez

Stephanie is a communication designer based in Los Angeles. Having been back and forth to Berlin for the past ten years, she finds inspiration from her various cultural experiences as the driving force in her design style. In her free time you could find her lazing around with her dog Torben.

Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

It's scary to look that far ahead, but I hope I'm content with my life in 20 years. Maybe I'll still be in Europe with my own design studio- that's my dream!

What is a good design for you?

If I think "Dang, I wish I made that.". Then it's a good design.

What was the most challenging experience during your studies?

Taking a project week and illustration class in German!

What advice would you give to students who just started studying in your programme?

Use any and all available resources you can! And go to campus events to meet friends. Time will fly by faster than you know it.

What are you not going to miss in your studies?

Waking up early.

How are you going to celebrate your graduation?

With a fat nap.

Say hi!

2 comments in total

Nora 2021-07-16 21:41:15

Stephanieeeee! Of course you had to mention Torben and naps. A really cool project though!! Hope you'll teach us more about Filipino culture next time you visit us in good old B but as Ale said, enjoy celebrating this milestone with your fam and all your loved ones! <3

Ale 2021-07-16 18:31:26

Stephanie! this looks amazing! im so proud of how far you have come as a designer and as a person!. Never stop learning and growing, and never doubt yourself! you will forever be one of my inspirations :) Now go an celebrate with your family now, but soon we both can celebrate together in berlin! I miss you so much!!!!!! :heart:

Janina Wesnigk