Sophia-Carlotta Parisel

Although the Creative Industry is one of the most inclusive industries, an AIGA survey shows that still 73% of designers are white and only 11% of Creative Directors are female. In response to this, Sophia-Carlotta Parisel aims to provide a platform for marginalized communities and build bridges and connections with creative and advertising agencies through the formation of RARE STUDIOS.
The concept is built on the understanding that good design can only be achieved by having a variety of experiences, knowledge, and skills, which is summarised in the studio’s main principles 'Connect, Create and Shape'. The creative studio and mediation agency RARE STUDOIS provides education and connectivity – not only through workshops and events, but also through consultation, collaboration, and production with advertising agencies.

Sophia-Carlotta Parisel

My name is inspired by the Sophie-Charlotte Platz in Berlin, Charlottenburg. Although I was born in Berlin, I spent most of my life either outside of Germany or in a small town in the south of Germany. I came back to the roots to finish my studies.

What is a good design for you?

I believe that good design can only be achieve by merging a variety of experiences, knowledge and skills.

What was the most challenging experience during your studies?

Each term paper was a challenge for me.

Who or what inspires you?

My surroundings, moments, movies and music.

How do you approach a new project?

I usually start each project with a piece of paper and a pen. I brainstorm and collect key terms and items in order to define my design approach.

What advice would you give to students who just started studying in your programme?

Start early with your projects, don't wait till the last minute (talking out of experience)

Why did you choose to study in your programme?

I knew I wanted to be in the creative industry and Communication Design gives a great basis to

Say hi!

Janina Wesnigk