Das kurze 3D-Exploration-Game THE UNKNOWN handelt vom Entdecken und Verstehen des Unbekannten, um seinen Weg zurück ins Bekannte zu finden. Der Protagonist des Spiels begibt sich dabei auf die Spuren von Max, der in eine unbekannte Umgebung aufgebrochen ist, um reich zu werden. In dieser Höhle entdeckt die Hauptfigur mysteriöse Gegenstände vergangener Zivilisationen und übernatürliche Phänomene, während er mithilfe von Maxs Forschungen versucht, nach Hause zurückzukehren.
I am very interested in narrative games, especially environmental storytelling has been a topic I got very involved with. During my studies I've concentrated a lot on environmental concept art and low-poly modelling.
I hope to see myself as an established team member in a game company, maybe even abroad.
In my opinion, good design communicates wit... von Luisa Wilhelmsen Luisa Wilhelmsen14:39 In my opinion, good design communicates with all senses of the viewer. Though aesthetics differ from person to person, when something is made with passion, you can always tell.
In my opinion, good design communicates wit... von Luisa Wilhelmsen Luisa Wilhelmsen14:39 In my opinion, good design communicates with all senses of the viewer. Though aesthetics differ from person to person, when something is made with passion, you can always tell.
I often get inspired to create by other types of media, for example music.
As an artist, I often naturally approach a project by visualizing an idea, by sketching out a basic concept. If it's a group project it's also important to hear every idea and make sure you share a vision of what the project could become.
View everything that you learn in Uni as a basis to develop on in your own personal time.
I've always struggled with giving presentations or voicing my opinion when I first got into Uni. I think I've become a lot more confident on talking in front of a group, or asking for help.
I started out studying Illustration and transferred to UE University because I was always interested in games for as long as I can remember. The main motivation was to learn about all the things that go into game development, from narrative, art, to code.
The crunch times.
Visiting my hometown and celebrating with my family & friends.