The subconscious mind is our mental operating system, controlling 95% of our choices and behaviour. For ultimate harmony, peace and success, it is crucial to align our subconscious with the conscious. The goal of VIRTUAL SUBCONSCIOUS is to act as a supporting system by allowing the users to record strong emotional experiences that have the potential to enter their subconscious mind. Keeping track of them ultimately helps to expose repetitive actions, ingrained habits and behavioural cycles to assist the user in becoming more conscious of everyday decisions and possible triggers of stress/anxiety.
I am a Berlin-based multidisciplinary designer who has gained a spectrum of knowledge and experience and enjoys working across many different design disciplines. Currently, I am keen on studying and focusing on digital and UX/UI design to further develop my capabilities and improve my abilities as a competent, multi-faceted designer. Through my designs, I wish to create simple yet creative solutions that are elegant, playful, and sometimes experimental. I am an avid learner and I aim to evolve and innovate new solutions to the design problems encountered in our daily lives.
1 comments in total
Your idea looking very good!