Das Animationsprojekt A QUICK DIVE INTO INTERSECTIONALITY informiert das mit dem Themenbereich unvertraute Publikum über die Komplexität der Intersektionalität. Adrian Colmenares nutzt einen auffällig verspielten Stil, um die Vielfältigkeit seiner Charaktere, welche für den sozial-politischen Kampf bestimmter marginalisierter Gruppen stehen, stärker voneinander zu differenzieren und ihre Geschichten eindrücklich zu erzählen. Der organisch gestaltete Kurzfilm erläutert, dass dies nicht der Weg ist um diskriminierende Praktiken zu stoppen, sondern um sich der eigenen Position in diesen Zusammenhängen bewusst zu werden.
I'm an illustrator who is fond of colourful and campy art as well as illustrations with a fairy tale vibe to them. Social issues and overthinking give me headaches.
Hopefully doing something fun.
It's vibrant and inviting, a good message from the designer to the viewer.
Finding a balance between the hectic life in Berlin and making time for myself as well as my studies.
Fun shapes, interesting fashion and my community.
Hopefully not overwhelmed at first, but mostly with a lot of energy and excitement to tackle a new perspective.
Don't be afraid to take a few odd turns in your work. Uni is the time to experiment and dedicate yourself fully to the field of studies you've chosen. So do odd things and have fun with art and design.
I feel like I've more fun doing what I do than I had before.
Illustration is very versatile and fun, not to mention that it allows for a form of communication beyond words.
All the deadlines piling up at once.
Sushi and friends.