Eye Expansion

Sepehr Kabirimajd

The photographic series EYE EXPANSION by Sepehr Kabirimajd is a glimpse into the lack of the mental factors performance in seeing the human body that a body cannot be depicted correctly without them. Firstly, it reveals the role of the mind to form reality and then to the physical perfection of the body and the actual power. It is a continuous investigation of how we perceive and save the image of our imaginations.

EYE EXPANSION intends to move the presumption image - the mediated picture - of the body between layers of reality and unreality. These bodies with anonymous identities will comprehend after seeing. Beyond reality, some functions cannot be processed, 'Time' is no longer linear but we can move in the 'Space'. The 'Proportion' that is partially distorted, and the 'Perspective' that lost its direction.

Bodies tell something, offer a reckless view of the deconstruction, they are exaggerated, distorted, and confused images, disturbing thoughts, strange stories, and different times in one time.

Sepehr Kabirimajd

Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

working as an Impressive artist

What is a good design for you?

I really keen on minimalist design, literally simple and functional.

What was the most challenging experience during your studies?

The Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic is the most important one because I was forced to study online my M.A for two semesters from my country. Far from all the facility and life of being a student.

Who or what inspires you?

Life, Dreams, People, and Time.

How do you approach a new project?

It happens usually by reading, writing, and seeing at the moment. Then I have been trying to expand the idea to the subject and converting it to outputs.

What advice would you give to students who just started studying in your programme?

Keep going and working hard, profiting from experiences, and finally live their life as real students.

Have you changed during your studies? How?

In order to my goals, it is obvious that the progress causes me to have the satisfaction of what I have done. And now I am satisfied but with a big regret that why I could not be able to be in here sooner, and definitely, the Covid has made the same situation for all of my colleagues.

Why did you choose to study in your programme?

To become an expert and learn more.

What are you not going to miss in your studies?

Chance, a possibility of something happening.

How are you going to celebrate your graduation?

Being and celebrating with my classmates and professor would be the end of this period of my life.

Say hi!

Felix Kossmann