A short game to teach adults the fundamentals of sketching! An attempt to take the pressure of being good out of the first steps of learning to draw.
In the sun, on a rock. Lizard style.
Anything that features dinosaurs!
Covid </3
David Byrne! Coolest person on Earth!
By overplanning on Miro and then procrastinating. I'm not saying this to sound relatable, this is how it goes every time.
Despite coding being extremely important, this program won't teach you to code. Try to teach yourself or get someone to teach you the basics. If someone says they're willing to teach code, they usually are, so do take them up on it, and buy them a ramen in return for their efforts. If everyone can code by themselves, everyone in your program wins.
Got more into soup.
Vibeo game
The messy management style of UE
Hanging out with frieeeeends <3 being silly