SKILL ISSUE is a fighting game geared towards beginners where you choose one of four elements to beat your opponent. Maybe you like to be abrasive like fire, calm and reactive like water, fast and relentless as the wind or sturdy and unflinching as earth. Hopefully this game will pick your interest for the fighting game genre.
A bit of everything and a lot of passion for videogames.
Having my own company and videogame IP(s).
Designs that sparks creativity.
Nothing comes to mind as "challenging".
The games play, music I listen to and shows I watch.
I write/sketch down every idea and then create a roadmap for the project.
Learn what interest you on your own and don't be afraid of trying things you thought weren't for you. If you asked me before I entered this university what I thought about programming my own game I would have said "Coding scary, ew", but now I'll say "Ugh, okay bring it". I like programming now.
Yes, I have become more accountable for my things, independent and more organized.
I like games and needed a diploma.
My studies. Having to study and not working on games, I guess.
Family will surprise me, I'm just glad it's over.