Green screen? If instead of acting on such green, you could act on natural environments? What would you choose? This project presents the situation of a musician who is about to perform the video of his song "Optimista". He finds himself in a difficult situation and gives a solution for his problem that could solve and help many sets while recording a film, television show, or series.
Green screen? It's time for something new, says Sebacho, director of the shoot. The project is an approach to the next chapter of cinema history, the virtual set chapter
Traveling with my girl, making independent movies, trying to remember this moment
The language maybe, but it was ok. This last year, that was my most challenging experience
Relax, try to always work, its fun, find what you like to do and do it always
I want to make films, tell stories, inspire the world.
The people and the classes, thats what I'm going to miss,