Elena Gonzalez Navarro’s photographic series POINTLESS DESIGN explores the juxtaposition of people’s need for and obsession with branded products and the social status they impart, and the functionality of these objects. Based off this comparison, she asks the question: How much value do we give to aesthetic and acclamation versus functionality and practicality?
The series depicts standards of both the past and the present and gives a mocking reflection of her findings.
Hopefully settled as an artist, having developed my taste and characteristics deeper. I would love to have my own studio to create as an artist while helping other artists as well.
Good design for me is sth that impacts you in a way that makes you remember it.
Dealing with my anxiety :-)
Dirt, the obscene, radical works, the human body, simplicity, my friends, the absurd and artists like Ren Hang or Martin Parr.
Each project is approached differently. Organization is not my strong point, so every idea gets developed in different motivation waves.
Good luck?
When I started my studies, I was definitely more interested in graphic designs, but my main interest right now is photography.
Because of the many different artistic fields that are taught and because I wanted to be able to develop my creativity freely.
Studying, hah? And stressing about deadlines.
I'm going to Las Vegas to a 1000$/night suite obviously.