SCRU-E is a game featuring Procedural Animation. The player controls a small maintenance robot that explores a mine and can roll, jump and interact with objects by screwing them.
I'm a Technical Designer.
Working on games I enjoy myself.
One that actually is enjoyable for the user, instead of being 'correct' on paper.
Attempting to create full experiences in very limited time frames.
The games I play and people I work with.
Despair at the amount of possibilities. Then try to find a core experience.
Have fun with it. Experiment. When creating a game start making something playable fast instead of discussing for too long and make sure to get a lot of iterations in.
I have improved a lot of my soft (especially communication) and hard skills.
The mix of technical challenge and social (group) challenges.
My professors. Also having a secure space to experiment freely.
Hit the gym. Then sleep for a day.