A private brand of IKEA, KITKIT, is a meal kit brand that people can access easily and give them a sense of accomplishment. Addi?onally, it uses local products when making meal kits, protec?ng the local economy and environment. KITKIT is a brand to create a beHer everyday life for many people and have a posi?ve impact on the world. Also, KITKIT offer well-made and good quality food products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. Target group is people who buy something from IKEA. ITKIT’s overall design is a vibrant fusion of blue and yellow, the symbolic colors of the Swedish na?on, inspired by the rich cultural heritage of Sweden. With this choice, tradi?on and authen?city are infused into the brand. Design, func?onality, and sustainability are at the intersec?on of KITKIT, more than just a brand. "With the presenta?on of this collec?on of design works, I invite you to explore the world of KITKIT and imagine a future where thoughPul design transforms not only how we eat, but also how we live our lives."