Typical Hero

Tim Hietkamp

Eine satirische Animationsserie.

Wir Menschen machen skrupellos unsere Erde kaputt und riskieren durch unsere Handlungen offensichtlich das Überleben unserer eigenen Art! ZU viele Probleme werden zu lange ignoriert, für Luxus und wirtschaftliche Vorteile.
Mein Bachelor-Praxis Projekt, die satirische 2D Animationsserie "Typical Hero" soll genau das thematisieren.
Die Menschheit hat es zu weit getrieben und braucht nun einen Helden, der in letzter Sekunde die Katastrophe aufhalten muss...

Wird er es schaffen?

Seht es euch selbst an!

Tim Hietkamp

I like Animations and VFX.

Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

Hopefully alive

What is a good design for you?

All black everything, normally with a hat

What was the most challenging experience during your studies?


Who or what inspires you?


How do you approach a new project?

With love

What advice would you give to students who just started studying in your programme?

Have fun

Have you changed during your studies? How?

I got better in FMD

Why did you choose to study in your programme?

I like Animations and stuff

What are you not going to miss in your studies?

öhm, what

How are you going to celebrate your graduation?

Beer i guess

Say hi!

Jakob Engellandt