
Mertcan Seker

In his interactive video mapping project UNTITLEND, Mertcan Seker creates an unexpected experience in which the uncertain future is examined and explored using random effects linked with sensors and a realistic render of a curtain over it. Different media tools are used to reference and update the narrative and simulation approaches.

Mertcan expands this concept by taking inspiration from an old Greek story and merging it with Jean Baudrillard's text on simulacra and simulation. As told in the Greek narrative, one of two competing painters created a hyper-realistic curtain, manipulating space-time boundaries, questioning what is real and what isn't within a single painting. The illusion of the piece is that the true paint was hidden behind the curtain, which Jean Baudrillard explains as the starting point of the simulation. A simulation is defined as a representation of the artificial as if it were real. Simulacra refer to the sensation of observing a simulation as if it were real.

Mertcan Seker

My name is Mertcan Seker and I am a visual designer, studying and working in 📍Berlin.
Currently looking for freelancing opportunities in graphic/motion design and art direction.
After graduating from Istanbul Bilgi University [Visual Communication Design] with a high degree, continued my study at BTK [Media Spaces].
During my Istanbul days, I was also co-founder of Klank.ist where I was experimenting on audiovisual installations and transmedial compositions.
Had a great opportunity with well-known agencies on big-scale projects including; w/Ouchhh ASYMPTOTE (Italy), POLYHX (Signal Fest-Czech Republic), Revolution of Topography Cappadocia (Turkey), Vodafone DDZ (Turkey), Connect (Open Sky Gallery-Hong Kong) w/ShiTv Burn Electronica Festival (Turkey) w/ Obscura Digital Global Citizen Festival (U.S.A) w/Nohlab Ashgabat International Airport Opening Ceremony (Turkmenia), 22nd World Petroleum Congress Opening Ceremony (Turkey), Link (Japan).

Say hi!

Francesco Scolieri