LIVING A FAIRY TALE is a collection of four books based on adapted fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm collection. This collection is an experimental project devoted to the theme of fairy tale updating, and more precisely, four stories: "The Wolf and the 7 Goats," "One-eye, Two-eyes, Three-eyes," "The Death of the Hen," and "The Glass Coffin."
Fairy tales have existed for hundreds of years and have undergone changes, such as one of the most significant becoming orientated on children. But now fairy tales have lost their appeal to the average adult. So why not change that? Why not bring fairy tales into one's life? Why not make fairy tales once again for an adult audience?
This project aims to raise questions in the reader's mind about the perception of another human being, questions about the preservation of humanity, and the transience of life.
Of course, in an abstract manner, open to interpretation.