RADIKALE3K is a multifunctional corporate identity and digital archive designed by American communication designer Dane Kowachek. RADIKALE3K is a product of the examination of Berlin Clubs as a form of queering design. The digital archive is a resource to further the investigation by showcasing design and history from 1980-2022.
The name Radikale3K derives from the radical movements of Berlin and its journey to becoming one of the most gender fluid and diverse communities in the world. The brand identity of Radikale3K is characterised by a cohesive visual identity. The shape, colour, and animation of the logo can be seen throughout the branding. Bright colours, gradients, and movement bring the dance floor to the archive!
Since I was young, I can't remember a day I wasn't day dreaming or creating something in my head. Everywhere I look is fuel for creative thought and my communication design degree has helped me document these thoughts.
From the beginning I could either be found making art or kicking a soccer ball. In 2015 I studied business management while pursuing my love for soccer on a Division 2 soccer scholarship in the United States. After graduating in 2019 with my first degree I was accepted to the communication design bachelor at BTK. I have evolved as a designer since then and it was the best decision I ever made!
I hope to make a difference through design in one way or another. The world is on fire, sexism, racism, homophobia and mental health cloud my mind daily. These are problems that need creative solutions and I would like to be apart of solving them.
Good design starts with a passion and emotion. It takes a lot of work from the key image to the smallest pixel snapped to a grid to create the things that keep you up at night.
Moving from a small town in Missoula Montana in the United States to big old Berlin Germany was definitely the most challenging. Finding my place during my studies in this city was definitely the most challenging.
In life and general I am inspired by the ones who struggle everyday through inequality yet still make a life for themselves. I get a lot of inspiration from the queer scene here in Berlin because it has so much depth. People who create with a lot of soul searching and challenges I think create really unique and eye opening content.
I think every project can be special and uniquely approached but in general it starts with a lot of research of what is already out there. I look through my extensive catalogue of saved inspiration on Miro and start mood boarding, writing, and sketching. I also take into consideration project planning and what my goals are for this project.
Be kind to yourself. Work hard. Ask questions. Don't be afraid to be yourself. From the beginning look at LinkedIn working student or internship requirements. What skills are required for the positions you want and how can you use your studies to achieve these skills.
"I believe that theres a big future
out there with a lot of beautiful things" - Teyana Taylor
I moved to Berlin because I wanted to study design but also to find myself and do some soul searching. I have grown more confident through my studies and I believe I have a big future ahead of me!
Not to mention I did not even open Photoshop until my first semester of classes and now I am making 3D logos!
I started out mostly painting and drawing in my youth. I don't think at the time I knew what I exactly was going to do in design and communication design gave me a platform to find that niche.
Not getting paid for designing. Working while going to school is a great challenge.
I am going to travel and gain more inspiration for my next project!