
Ann-Katrin Werner

Anhand ihrer aus 50 Blättern bestehenden illustrierten Bilderreihe visualisiert Ann-Katrin Werner ihre eigene Art und Weise den ESKAPISMUS zu erleben. Mithilfe vom Zeichnen der Realität zu entfliehen ist nichts neues für die Studierende, aber dieses Mal wurden weder Charaktere noch Landschaften oder Gegenstände gezeichnet. Das Ziel dieses Projektes war es, Emotionen und mentale Zustände auf dem Papier mit Hilfe von Bleistiften, Graphit und Tinte zu visualisieren. Dazu kam, das versucht wurde, ohne ein genaues Ziel im Hinterkopf das Papier zu füllen.

Zur Inspiration dienten hauptsächlich Künstler mit ähnlichen, Abstrakten Stilen. Zum Beispiel Melissa Cormier, HR Giger, Karen Cheok wie auch das Videospiel „Gris“ und vielen mehr.

Ann-Katrin Werner

Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

Hopefully working at a big studio or being a freelance artist.

What is a good design for you?

I dont´t think that there is a specific design that I like. About Anything can just make me go „Wow“.

What was the most challenging experience during your studies?

The thesis. I‘m struggling whenever it comes to writing stuff.

Who or what inspires you?

So many great artists out there. Melissa Cormier, James Gurney, Hicham , Eliza Ivanova, just to name a few. Besides that it‘s my family and friends.

How do you approach a new project?

I first try to organize, gather ideas and then take one step at a time.

What advice would you give to students who just started studying in your programme?

Don‘t let the AI „art“ make you lose motivation, they could never do what real artists can.

Have you changed during your studies? How?

Not much. But I am interested to try new things and step out of my comfort zone.

Why did you choose to study in your programme?

I feel like drawing is the only thing I‘m fairly decent at. I wanted to make my hobby become my job.

What are you not going to miss in your studies?

The lectures in person. Was always fun to spend time with my newly found friends.

How are you going to celebrate your graduation?

With the friends I‘ve made and by partying hard!

Yussethe Garcia Cruz