Der Corona-Virus hat unser aller Leben weitgehend verändert. Restaurants und Bars bleiben vorerst geschlossen und die einzige Möglichkeit, sich kulinarisch verwöhnen zu lassen, ist, sich Essen nach Hause zu bestellen. Ioannis Telioridis stammt aus einer Familie, die seit Jahrzehnten in der Gastronomie tätig ist. Aus einem Restaurant einen Lieferbetrieb zu entwickeln ist die logische Konsequenz der Situation, in der sich die Gesellschaft aktuell befindet. Dieser Sprung stellt eine besondere Herausforderung dar, welche Ioannis Telioridis in seinem Projekt meistern möchte. Hierfür visualisiert er den Werdegang und die Zukunft des neuen Unternehmens.
That's difficult. I want to believe in the concept of having plans that are still so far ahead, although society and plans can change at any given time. I like to have some flexibilty in my life. Plans are always absolute. Situations change and in my opinion we need to rather adapt to the changes around us instead of sticking to our plan. Opportunities come and oportunities go. It is up to us to decide whether we want to pursue them or not.
Good design should be straight to the point.
That has to be theoretical work. I have never been good at reading books and writing papers for hours on end. It always feels exhausting, although I get why it is such an important part of learning how to design.
Music and my curiosity for everything imaginable.
Every project starts with a problem, and the goal is to solve the problem with the methods and tools we have as a designer. I basically look at it like a puzzle. Where do I need to put in certain parts to create the result that is needed?
Never do anything at the last minute. Trust me, you will regret it.
Learning to plan projects according to your deadline was key for me.
I started getting into design when I was 14 years old. I downloaded the test version of Adobe Photoshop and started editing pictures, creating logos for fun. Of course I didn't have any experience back then, but I still immediately fell in love with it. Since then I cannot imagine myself in another professional environment.
Definitely writing essays and papers.
Just with a cold beer and close friends and family around me.